Monday, December 7, 2015

Tips on making the most of your time with your health care provider

Going to the doctor may be intimidating to some. You may feel uncomfortable about the reason you need to be seen, or you may not be sure what questions to ask the doctor while you are there. The total time you spend talking with your doctor is usually 15 minutes or less. With this time constraint, you want to make sure you are asking the right questions at your visit. Here are some general questions you should ask while in the office:
  • Ask your doctor about the immunizations you should have and take actions to ensure your immunizations are current.
  • Discuss the risk of getting certain health conditions. Are there lifestyle choices and changes that should be addressed to lower your risk?
  • Ask your doctor about appropriate health screenings according to your age, weight, and heredity.
  • Ask about the risks and benefits of tests and treatments. Discuss with your doctor what you like and dislike about your choices for care.
  • Make sure you understand and can follow your doctor’s instructions. If you are unclear, make sure to have your doctor repeat it or explain the information in a way that makes sense to you.
  • For more specific questions to address with your doctor on tests, fees, medications, specialty care, diagnosis, treatments and surgery, visit this website.

Excerpted from:
Mayo Clinic Health System Health Note
Amy Every
Senior Communication Consultant, Marketing Communications
Mayo Clinic Health System Franciscan Healthcare